Saturday, July 24, 2010

Concept Maps

Today I experimented with two recommended websites to create mind maps.
2. Text2MindMaps

I found concept maps easier to create and it also used great visuals when adding or deleting new entries.
However, when using Text2MindMaps I was able to easily change the colour of the boxes, words and lines.
I found these websites fantastic!
They would be fantastic tools to use in any classroom!

Concept mapping is such an effective tool in the classroom: it enables students to gather all their ideas and position them in an easy to read organiser. From there the students can sort through all of their ideas and choose their favourite or the most relevant to use for further learning.

From an early childhood perspective, online concept mapping would be a very effective tool to use when modelling concept maps. In younger grades it is difficult for some students to even write a few sentences. Introducing concept maps online allows the whole class to contribute and learn the process together.
In older grades concept mapping could become individual or small group tasks for assessment.

I believe concept mapping would be an effective tool to use in any classroom, no matter what age the students are. I will implementing their uses in my future classroom.


  1. Hi Emily,
    I enjoyed reading your analysis of Concept Mapping as a technology tool! I've also had a look at both of those websites for creating concept maps. My views are that whilst Text2Mindmap was effective, I found it a little bit mature and complex for younger children. I think this website would be more effective if used by older students, and also if the ideas being represented were more complex - the smaller formatting I think allows for more extension in ideas, which is a positive when representing a complex thought/idea. was so easy to use! Personally I think this website is more suitable for the younger grades because,
    1. It is easier to navigate around the features
    2. It consists of a simpler framework
    3. I believe it is more visually attractive
    I've used concept mapping strategies before with students and it can be a really simple, but effective tool to use when brainstorming as a whole class. Representing information in this form of graphic organiser breaks down the information and makes it much easier to understand in my opinion - what do you think?

  2. I absolutely agree, Kate!
    While text2mindmap was still easy to use, the smaller text and animations would be more relevent to an older, mature classroom.
    Where the was so attractive visually, every early childhood classroom should be using them :)

    I personally haven't used concept mapping with an early childhood classroom but it's great to hear that it works well and is still effective.

    Thankyou for sharing your ideas and experiences!

