Saturday, July 24, 2010

Blog vs Wiki

The main difference I clearly found out between blogs and wiki's was how confusing wiki's are!

When you first make a Blog it seems a little overwhelming but then everything becomes quite straight forward. I have been fiddling around with wiki's for a few days now and instead of everything becoming clearer I am becoming more confused!
On the left is a picture of how far I have managed to come along on my wiki! Simply editing the layout, to make it look more appealing was stressing enough!
While I struggle to see a Wiki's uses in the classroom (most likely because I myself have no idea how to use one) other students in my course can clearly see how using wiki's could enhance learning within a class.
From Kristen's blog 'The Difference between a Blog and Wiki' I found a hyperlink to the website 50 Ways to Use Wikis for a More Collaborative and Interactive Classroom! Which had great suggestions on how to effectively use a wiki in the classroom.
In order for me to successful use wiki as a teaching tool I would need to continue my learning to gain an understanding on how to use a wiki. But, the same with the blog, wiki's could probably be used more effectively in middle to seniors years.


  1. Hi Emily,
    I agree! I had a lot of trouble understanding how to create a Wiki too! I too can see that Wiki's would be a highly effective way of communicating for students as a Wiki allows the students to access the site at individual times and edit/save new information - I think this is great! However, like you, unfortunately I can't really see myself using this tool with the students, as I can't personally work out how to use the tool and that does make it hard for the students. Particularly with younger students when there is such a high need for modeling in teaching instruction! However, possibly students in higher year levels such as secondary school may be able to utilise this tool? And let's face it, with technology on the rise and the level of technological literacy today's students are equipped with prior to schooling, they may be able to work out how to use this tool themselves and then teach us!

  2. I am glad to know someone else feels the same way!
    I agree that secondary students would be able to teach us 'teachers' a thing-or-two when it comes to technology!
    The joys of becoming older! :)

