Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I love Youtube!
I love watching the latest movie trailers, comedy acts, watching friend's home-made videos etc.
But not only is Youtube great for my personal use it's also a fantastic tool to include in my lessons! The following videos are one's that I have found off Youtube today that would be suitable to use with early childhood classes.

Incy Whincy Spider

Speckled Frogs

Elmer Story (Walt Disney)

The last one would go particularly well with a lesson on 'being different' and/or 'bullying'.

While YouTube is brilliant for finding many videos for all different purposes, the main thing a teacher needs to do is watch the ENTIRE clip with the SOUND ON to make sure nothing 'pops' up or is 'said' that is not suitable for students. It is also important for teachers to either download the video or 'post' it somewhere (e.g.virtual classroom) where there is no advertisements.

I believe YouTube can be incoporated into any lesson (as long as there is a safe, relevant video on that topic). It engages the students and gets them excited/ready for the learning.
For example: I used this clip from SchoolTube when teaching 'rhyming' and once the students had finished watching the clip they couldn't wait to write their own rhyming song.

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