Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Digital Video

Video's...when that word is mentioned the first thought that pops into my mind is 'home-made video's of family and friends, there is always one person doing something silly, and one person that has to be the star of the show'.

That thought, always brings a smile to my face, however that's not the only type of video.

Videos can be created through many forms, they can be professional videos, cartoon videos, picture/image videos etc. Videos can also be made very public by being 'posted' on YouTube, SchoolTube, Facebook and websites.

According to Kearney & Shuck (2006), videos can be extremely useful and beneficial for teaching students within a classroom.
Digital Video can be used for:
  • communication: e.g. messages, ideas and information
  • observation and analysis: e.g. phenomena, experiments and performaces
  • relfection: e.g. personal reflection of learning

Digital video also helps develop skills:

  • metacognitivie
  • high order thinking
  • communication
  • presentation
  • literacy
  • organisational
  • teamwork
  • computer software

Within my own classroom, one day, I will definitely use digital video! Using digital video for an assessment piece with a middle to upper primary class would make a fantastic ending to a digital unit. However, within early primary I would still use digital video, but I would not create one I would use 'already created ones' off YouTube, SchoolTube etc.
Within an early primary class I would use the digital videos for story telling, examples (within a food unit I could play a video of a seed growing to a plant to a tree to bearing fruit etc), teaching lyrics to a song and to play back group performances.

Within my prac class, I already use digital video for story telling and the students love it!
I think it's a tool that can be incorporated into any KLA effectively!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Emily, I have loved reading your blog about digital video! I have actually just posted a blog myself about digital video! I think it is fantastic and a great tool to scaffold our students learning in the classroom.

    I found a lot of the same points as you did that were stated on Moodle by Kearney & Shuck (2006). I thought they were really insightful points as they offered information on how digital video can be incorporated into the classroom and the importance of digital video for students learning. I found that digital video offers many benefits!

    I loved your idea about using digital video as an assessment tool in the classroom, it’s a great idea, I had never though of that before. Using digital video for story telling, teaching lyrics and playing back group performances were just more of your great ideas that I agree would work in the classroom!

    Although, I would use this tool in the classroom with young children, I believe they would love it! Obviously using digital video with young children would require a heavily guided approach by the teacher, however, if enough time was allowed for the children to make a digital video in small groups together I believe it would be successful. It could not only be an affective activity but could become an affective assessment piece as well. Just a thought. :)

    Perhaps one day we will implement the making of the digital video in our own classroom and will be able to feedback to each other on how it went. :)

